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02 February 2008

Best of SL Live - Get to Vote on your Favorite Musician!


Amulya Aabye and Fleche Xeno

Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting one of the most talented and driven woman in Second Life and I really was amazed that I found someone if not as much but more ambition maybe than myself even. If you have not met Amulya Aabye, you are missing out. Her fame in SL and her following is well deserved from how much her hard work and dedication shines through with her successes. I took the liberty of being able to sit down and get some pictures of her and her assistant Fleche Xeno (He has ADD but you didn't get that info here). Fleche and Amulya are always great fun to be around and I always enjoy their company!

Today at 1pm SLT/PST you will be able to go to mediaculture and get to watch the semi-finals in the Best of SL Live contest. To get there you can see today's venue and other future venues right on there website www.bestofsllive.com.

The link to the venue is here:

Check out the Venue Click Here!
This event has a L$ prize of $50000L and you can check out the sponsors page at
. Jax Streeter who just yesterday played at the Grand Opening Celebration of Alma, as the opening act, is one of the sponsors and even did some judging at some of the contest events. Jax Streeter is a unique person and his music is only found in Second Life. His act is admired even by other live musicians in Second Life. His act is great and I encourage everyone to go to his shows. Recently, he gave me permission to air his songs on my radio station so you can get to hear them there as well. But the live act is just something you cannot miss! You can check out his venue on his website as well at http://www.jaxstreeter.com

Fleche Xeno

Now before we continue to the Q/A I have for your reading enjoyment. I want to explain one thing. Earlier I stated in here that Fleche has ADD well this is a common problem in SL. And I have to admit I probably have some of that myself even. In more ways than you can imagine. But, lets get back to Fleche and ADD. Let me define ADD in so many words. First of all, do not expect to be as lucky as I am to get this guy in a picture in the same avatar as fast as I did with more than one pose, because I have never seen him in one avatar for more than a minute at a time. I just happened to be quick with my snapshot! So the term ADD fits him well. He coined it himself even. Avatar Discontinuity Disorder!

Well enough jabber from me! On to the Q&A!

1. Q. Amulya, what gave you the inspiration to start such a grand project like Best of SL Live?

A. I have to say I was quite naive when I started out with Best of SL Live - we had just finished a pageant called Best of SL - Avatar, and I was pretty high on how well it had gone for a first effort. I love music and a version of American Idol on Second Life just seemed like a novel idea since I had not heard anyone talk of something like that so far. Also, I would have then considered myself pretty knowledgeable about SL, but had no clue about the live music scene here. I wanted to explore it a bit and bring about some awareness of the live music scene to regular SL residents like me :) I am the kind of person who has an idea and then jumps in feet
first - no second thoughts. That was the only way I could have jumped into something like this, or I would have been too overwhelmed to do it :)

2. Q. What type of Live events are you looking at in the future to give prizes for?

A. I am currently in talks with an organization that has been holding RL music contests and runs a portal for independent artists. This organization wants to expand their reach into SL and we are planning to collaborate on a music video contest. You heard it here, first :)

3. Q. What kind of sponsors do you usually get involved in these types of contest?

A. I usually set the scope of the event such that I can cover the costs completely by myself even if I don't get any sponsors. This event, I didn't have to ask for sponsors - some of the most involved people in SL's live music scene approached me themselves wanting to be a part of this.

4. Q. Who does all that wonderful web design on your http://bestofsllive.com website?
A. I did

5. Q. As a young aspiring SL Business Woman, what advise can you give to others in SL who want to make their presence known?

A. Toughen up! I am possibly the thinnest-skinned person you may ever come across. I really had to get myself out there and toughen myself by not letting criticism break me (too much). Anyone who wants to do things that will get them into the public eye needs to be prepared to face as many if not more negative comments as the positive and be willing to carry on. Also, remember that just as you could be hurt by others' harsh words, you could very easily hurt others - so be kind and mindful :)

6. Q. Would you like to get your Best SL Live events live streamed back into SL or on the net in the future?

A. I am working to get the Best of SL events broadcast live on the net at the least in video and audio formats. What I would love to do is to broadcast them to satellite sims live in SL, so that more than 100 avatars can be part of the experience.

7. Q. Have you thought about going on the radio with the broadcasts of your contests?

A.That is definitely something I want to do - so people who cannot be there on the sim during the event can still here the event. We have been filling up our venues so fast, I think there will be quite a bit of a demand to hear the events on the net.

8. Q. How much time and people does it take to actually get one of these events together?

A. From idea to planning was about two months for this event. I did about 75% of the work and my then assistant handled the rest. During the actual event though, it takes about 3-4 people on hand to keep track of everything and answer all questions :)

9. Q. Are you looking forward to this year being a great year for more SL Live Events?

A. I hope what we did brought about enough attention to SL's live music scene that more people are willing to get into it....do some fun events. There is a lot of potential here - amazing talent that awes me every week as I hear the performers.

10. Q. Please tell us a little about the person behind the Avatar.

A. Well, I am a software architect in real life....so I do so much analytical work during day time that SL is my creative outlet. I get to do things here that I don't have the time for in RL. I am told I am as crazy in RL as I am in SL :) Mostly, my SL persona is practically the same as my RL persona - though I wish my RL waist were quite as skinny as my avatar's ;)

Below you will find the Venue's from all the shows past, present and future!

First Episode: January 5th, 1:00PM PST/SLT
Venue: SS Galaxy
Judges: JenzineWebzine Miles, Preciousse Moody, Doubledown Tandino
Contestants: Edward Kyomoon, Janor Slichter, Angel Stormwind, Djai Skjellerup, Thumper Boucher, Kim Seifert, Nikita Lumet, KevinMThomas Carpool
Audience voting opens immediately after all the contestants are done performing and will continue through 1:00PM PST January 6th. Results will be announced immediately. Four (4) performers will move on to the next round.

Second Episode: January 12th, 1:00PM PST/SLT
Venue: House of Dark
Judges: JenzineWebzine Miles, Preciousse Moody, Sir Brennen
Contestants: Artel Brando, Lyndon Heart, Dakota7z7 Pluto, Guy Goodman, Potlatch Foggarty, Blue4u Nowicka. Audience voting opens immediately after all the contestants are done performing and will continue through 1:00PM PST January 13th. Results will be announced immediately. Four (4) performers will move on to the next round.

Third Episode: January 19th, 1:00PM PST/SLT
Venue: Urbanity
Judges: JenzineWebzine Miles, Preciousse Moody, Doubledown Tandino
Contestants: LoveSongs Writer, Dexter Ihnen, LOriZ Whitfield, foxyflwr Cure, Rola Hykova, Ambor Babenco, Tilianna Lagan, Srv4u Conacher, Duzzy Ryder
Audience voting opens immediately after all the contestants are done performing and will continue through 1:00PM PST January 10th. Results will be announced immediately. Four (4) performers will move on to the next round.

Fourth Episode: January 26th, 1:00PM PST/SLT
Venue: Sacred's Concert Grounds
Judges: JenzineWebzine Miles, Preciousse Moody, Sir Brennen
Contestants: All the 12 performers remaining from the previous three episodes
Audience voting opens immediately after all the contestants are done performing and will continue through 1:00PM PST January 27th. Results will be announced immediately. Six (6) performers will move on to the next round.

Fifth Episode (Semi-Finals): February 2nd, 1:00PM PST/SLT
Venue: Mediaculture
Judges: JenzineWebzine Miles, Preciousse Moody, Doubledown Tandino
Contestants: The 6 performers who moved on from the previous round
Audience voting opens immediately after all the contestants are done performing and will continue through 1:00PM PST February 3rd. Results will be announced immediately. Two (2) performers will move on to the next round.

Finale: February 9th, 1:00PM PST/SLT
Venue: Urbanity
Judges: JenzineWebzine Miles, Preciousse Moody, Doubledown Tandino
Contestants: The two finalists
Audience voting opens immediately after all the contestants are done performing and will continue through 1:00PM PST February 10th. Results will be announced immediately at the grand finale party! Make sure you hang out and vote after the musicians have played then On Feb 3rd you can come back for a new party at to go back on Feb 3rd @ 1pm SLT to see which 2 musicians made the semi finals!!

Check the bottom of my articles for what is up and coming for my next blog!

Will post more info later about my next blog!

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Ask a Domme - Send your questions to barbiestarr@gmail.com



I am a slave and I have an online Mistress. She has allowed me to have a girlfriend real life. She is demanding that I tell this girlfriend about Her. I am very nervous and do not want to scare my girlfriend away. What should I do?


Well first of all the most important part of being a slave and having on-line D/s especially if it's serious is Honesty and Trust. You need to trust that your Mistress is guiding you in the right direction and also, you need to be honest with people around you if your real life permits it. If you do not trust the person's judgment you are with I would think you would have to pick one or the other if you cannot tell your new girlfriend about your secret desires then you may want to either ditch the girlfriend or if you can't trust your Domme, ditch the Domme.



I am interested in D/s and I would like to start out online. What is the best way to find out upfront if I am dealing with a fake or the real thing in Second Life?


Well, first of all, Second Life may be a bit overwhelming at first when finding a Domme because there are so many people in Second Life to begin with and it's very hard to tell up front who is a fake and who isn’t. I think the best way to find out if you are dealing with a fake is to look at some key factors. Does this person have a reputation of keeping or losing slaves in Second Life? Have you seen them around the scene long? If you are new I would suggest you hangout in areas that have to do with the BDSM Lifestyle. Try to stick with a variety of places in SL that are not so much Role playing simulators but actual hangouts for people who deal with the lifestyle and scene Real-Time. This way you can see what fits your style first. Then when you feel comfortable and have found your nitch I would take the time to socialize in those environments and talk to several Domme there, find out how long they have been in the lifestyle and if this person goes from SL to RL and how. Find out about the person you want to submit to. Before you give them the use of a collar around you neck, get to know them a little better. Online always seems to progress faster than Real life so take your time. And a word of caution in any situation do not give out your real life information to someone you just met in Second Life.



My Mistress is seldom online/available should I look elsewhere?


That would depend on many things. What is the reason she isn’t online? Did she discuss your absence with you? Were you in game only or taking to farther than that? Is she unreachable? I think it would depend on your situation in order to determine if you should look elsewhere. In this case follow your heart, if you are not happy waiting for her and feel her absence is not warranted then yes look elsewhere. If she has a viable excuse, has discussed it with you and has kept her word about things in the past, then I would wait.



I adore my Mistress but she is a switch and it spoils the fantasy, what should I do?


If you are not suited right for your Mistress then you should probably get out of that situation now. If a person is a switch and you are not comfortable with it. Then you need to look elsewhere. Yes, feelings might get hurt, but the longer you wait the worse heartache will occur.



I am a male Dom with a slave girl, but I fantasize about being dominated by a female. Is it possible I could really be a sub?


I am a FemDom; I feel that all males are submissive. But, seriously, if you want to submit to another woman and you have a slave girl you could very well be a switch. My advise; Talk to the slave girl and see how she feels about it before you do anything to spoil what might already be a good relationship. If anything maybe your slave girl is a switch to and you can have a happy life together, switching back and forth.



If you are new in the scene in Second Life, what is a proper use of collars, what should they mean to me or whom I submit to?


A collar in Second Life or Real life is basically an agreement between two people. A is the symbol or representation of a bond between two individuals. If you are getting married in real life a couple usually have ideas about how they want to run their relationship. As with a ring, the collar is your symbol. Before you take a collar in Second Life make sure the person you are getting collared by and yourself have a long discussion of the meaning of your collar. Once you both are on the same page and agree to whatever it may be you wish to have as a relationship. Then you can proceed with a collar. There are many types of collars in SL for you to use and they all have different functions so shop around. After you have decided on the collar you want it is always best to make a temporary trial period so that if it won’t work out you will be able to part as friends.



My wife and I both play Second Life and the other day I walked in on her when she was playing. She had a guy kneeling before her and her title tag said "Dominatrix". I never knew she was as kinky as this and it really turned me on. But I was embarrassed and backed out of the room so she couldn't see me. What should I do?


Honestly, if you are not sharing your desires with this dominant woman you are a fool! What I suggest you do is take her out to dinner wine and dine her. Then come home and have some talk time. Ask her about how she feels if you were to help her more around the house. Ask her also if she would like to practice this with you in Second Life. Second Life is a great place even for a couple that is real life to explore things they might be shy about in real life. Maybe since you didn’t voice these things to her in the past she didn’t think that you would want her to be Dominatrix Carla, but more felt you wanted a Susie Homemaker type wife. In any relationship, vanilla or BDSM you need to be honest and open about your desires.



I would like to submit to a Domme on Second Life, but, I currently have several pets of my own and I am not sure if I do this if I will keep them or not. Can you point me in the right direction as to how I would go about this?


Human pets are not doormats, if you feel the desire to submit to a Domme and also keep pets, that sounds like you need to be a switch more than a Dom. So I would actually sit down and talk to your pets and find out how they feel about it. This would be a major chain in your relationship. Also, the Domme you pick if she is a good one would encourage that you talk to everyone involved and introduce him or her to the idea first before you decide to do it.



I understand that D/s is not always about sex and sadism but has many aspects.

I would like to know if I start a D/s in Second Life with a slave how deep emotionally can we get into this relationship?


Online emotions come fast and can run very deep. If you have to keep your real life separate from your second life be prepared to keep a distance. If you are looking to have a real online D/s you will need to consider that this person you are going to Dominate has a very strong attachment to you. The dynamics of D/s are very bonding online in many ways. If you are just there to have fun make sure that the person knows ahead of time you can’t get emotionally attached. If you are there to go future than online and cross over to real life make sure you are ready to make that commitment. You are messing with someone else’s emotions as well as yourself. As a Domme, you will need to be the more responsible person in the equation.